Learning Through Play

Each child’s learning experience with us is unique and our highly trained staff are there to nurture and support your child. Our bespoke planning incorporates your child’s interests and supports their development across the Early Years Foundation Stage 3 prime and 4 specific areas of learning. With a high ratio of adult to child supervision, activities are both age and stage appropriate and follow the EYFS principles. From messy play and first steps to learning phonics and new games, there’s so much for children to do, learn and take in. At our nursery we encourage children to take risks, make decisions, solve problems and share their achievements with others, and we take great care to support each child and allow them to develop at their own pace. Throughout each day children are given plenty of opportunities to plan and develop their play and interests using indoor and outdoor free flow play.

We use bespoke fully secure digital Learning Journeys to record and extend your child’s learning and development. Narrative observations are supported by images and videos of your child engaging in a variety of activities each week. The Learning Journey allows you to monitor progress and add your own observations about your child at home. You will also receive daily feedback by staff when you collect your child.

Baby Group

Our baby room caters for our Ducklings Group of babies aged from three months to two years old. We are registered for eleven babies but generally have up to nine babies each day, and we work with a ratio of one adult to three children. We work to all our babies’ needs and try to keep to their home routines as best we can. We keep a daily diary to share with parents about their child’s meal information, nappy changes, sleep and a small note each time your child attends nursery. We will work alongside you with any of your child’s dietary requirements especially from the weaning process to eating more solid foods at nursery.

Toddler Group

All children aged between around twenty-two months and up to three years old are part of our Squirrels group in the Toddler room at nursery. Our playroom offers all our little Squirrels lots of play opportunities and after lunchtime, the toddlers can have a little nap or rest to recuperate before joining in the afternoon fun filled activities. The room has bi-folding doors that open up onto our decking and garden area so the children can choose to play inside or outside throughout the day.

Preschool Group

All children aged from thirty-four months up to five years of age are part of our Rabbit and Butterflies Pre-school group in the nursery. Our Pre-school room is a stimulating, action packed room it has a flexible routine which free flows throughout the day between our indoor and outdoor classrooms. A dedicated team of Pre-school staff work each day to provide the highest quality of care and learning opportunities to make your child’s time at the nursery a rich and rewarding experience. Together the team use assessments of children’s next learning steps as well as feedback from regular discussions with Parents/Carers about their child’s needs to plan a variety of fun learning activities that will promote decision making within children and help them to become independent individuals ready to go to ‘big school’.